Mouse the guitar!

Best viewed with Explorer 5. This site has been designed on a Macintosh, hand-coded with BBEdit, using Explorer 5.0, and tested with Netscape 4.7 for compatibility, both Mac and Windows98 (it usually works). Beyond those configurations, you're on your own. Hey, I'm just one guy. Any obvious bugs, let me know.

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All text, images, video,
and music
©2000-2005 WeaselWorks

Hey there. I'm Willy. Someone thought I wasn't living up to certain expectations and potentials, so they started calling me Wayward Willy. Somehow it stuck. Anyway, welcome to WeaselWorks. Take your time, tell your friends and enemies, and be forewarned that some of the audio/video files are quite large.

You'll notice that most the the "heavy" content will reside in a popup window of its own. This is so you won't be burdened with the download if not interested. You're welcome. I knew you'd appreciate that. The windows can be moved around so the songs and videos can be loading or playing while you go to another page, if you want. Just remember to close them when you're done.

BTW - you may notice a similarity between myself and Thom: well, that's because we're brothers. Twins, in fact. He's the more responsible one and I'm the irreverent "evil twin" as he likes to call me. We were joined at the butt and separated shortly after birth. Thom got the lion's share of our collective "glutimus" which is why most things I do are generally done half-assed.

By-the-way again, that indistinct white shape on my chest is our cat Phil, or "Old Man Kitty." He would have been 19 years old April 1, 2001, but a neighbor dog attacked and killed him January 27th.

Willy : )

WeasleWorks started as a joking, term of endearment for my teenage son - weasel - the summer the boyz and I motorhomed to Southern California with my folks ("the Girl" came down later by plane). Grandpa picked up on "weasel" and almost wore us all out. I'm surprised "the weasel" kept such a good spirit throughout it all, especially when his younger brother would use it.

Upon our return from SoCal, I got us (the weasel and I) RealBasic and we dove into programming with reckless abandon. At least I did, and probably spent two or three weeks non-stop evenings building my first (and most likely only) computer game: MynSweep. Upon completion, I had to give it a good software company name: WeaselWorks, complete with a ferret logo. This name sounded good to me - somehow it stuck! The icon to the right is the NEW MynSweep icon.

WeaselWorks next showed up on the video screen: WeaselWorks Production. I first used it with the "Little Man" music video, and then with the 10-minute feature-length, dramatic production of "Old City Bar." Again, WeaselWorks is here to stay.

So, the next step was to register the domain name. Now, who in the world would possibly have registered ""? of course. Well, not to be deterred, I checked out the site and saw it wasn't really doing much more that parking some names/links. I emailed one of the names, hinting that I'd wouldn't mind having the domain name if they ever plan to let it go. "Sorry, no deal." I wracked my feverish brain for another way-cool name, but to no avail. Nothing, but nothing would come even close. It was weaselworks or nothing. Then in an epiphanous burst of clarity, I tried "" and voila! Paydirt! I can live with this. In fact, I like it better. So if you happen to forget the hyphen and wind up at "" give'em my regards and thanks!

Now, with all that said, what can you expect to find here? Well, I'll tell you: you get there by mousing over the guitar.

  • Weasel Tunes are Thom Barrie's attempts at being a guitar player, songwriter and crooner (not necessarily in that order). There will be lots of lo-res versions to listen to, as well as his first CD on the WeaselWorks label. We like him. We're going to keep him.
  • Weasel Videos are some of our forays into digital video. "The Witch's Candy Caper" was actually all shot analog and edited with VHS equipment. The rest are completely digital. My youngest, by-the-way, stars in "The Witch's Candy Caper" as "The Reap."
  • Weasel Words. Here is where I get to rant and rave. Maybe even a guest or two. I hope to keep this section hopping with updated material. Check the "Stay tuned" line at top of this page to find when last update ocurred. Course, the update just means something has been changed, not necessarily Weasel Words. I'll keep the old stuff archived for a while, so don't fret. You'll always have access to those gems if you want to ferret them out.
  • Weasel Software. This section is sketchy at best: a game or two and some html resources I made. The game is cool, though nothing original, and I hope to compile a version for all you PC people out there. Someday.
  • Weasel Stuff is the store. Get WeaselWorks paraphernalia and cool stuff. Don't be surprised if you find the shelves a little empty, though. There's been an enormous run on our stock. Maybe you can email us with your requests. WeaselWorks the t-shirt and WeaselWorks the coffee cup are my personal favorites. AND, if you have an ES-335 type guitar, we've got the perfect truss-rod cover for you or your loved one! Come see!
  • The Weasels. Not too sure what you'll find here. I'm relying on the weasels to come up with some content. Yeah, right. File that under never!
  • Willy's Picks. You'll love this place. Here you get to meet the people, places and things that I think are really cool. So, if you want to be a weasel, this is your headquarters to find what's hip and what's not.
  • Willy's Back Door is kinda hush-hush. I can't talk about it, and you only get to come in if invited. How do you get invited? Drop me a line telling why you think you should get in, and maybe, just maybe we'll tell you how.
  • TBGraphics & Design is Thom's "real job." He's a freelance graphic designer who works out of his basement, of all places. But he's really picky and choosy with clients. If you're one of his clients, feel honored. If not, get in line. (I'm sure he really appreciates that! Ha, ha!)

Well, that's about it. Check the other pages, especially the tunes and videos. Hope you got dsl or cable.

Willy : )

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Go for it!

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All text, images, video, and music ©2000-2001 WeaselWorks
Wayward Willy